National Blog Posting Month…

2 07 2009

WordPress has just brought it to my attention that this is National Blog Posting Month.   Hey, has anyone else noticed that there seem to be a lot more “National Something-something Months” than there are actual months in a year?  Which means every month is multiple National Something Month?  Also, what’s the deal with airline food?

Apparently, the idea behind this is to challenge bloggers to blog every day for a single month.  I for one would just like to extend my gratitude to for putting this idea together, as I strongly believe the world is running dangerously low on pointless, narcisstic, rambling, poorly written literature produced on the subject of “OMG my kitty is the cutest kitty ever!”  This should get the flow moving nicely.  It also served as a reminder of my poor, neglected, blog.  My lame excuse is that all of my creative energy is pretty much being sucked up by the Fringe show.  However, I accept the challenge, WordPress.  Let’s see if I can revitalize the sagging “Free Time…” with a post everyday this month.

At the very least, it will give me something to do while waiting for the porn to download.



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